What to Expect From Your Eye Exam During the Time of Covid-19
It’s hard to believe that it’s been an entire year since the start of the pandemic. Due to concerns about the spread of the new Coronavirus last March, we, like many other businesses, had to temporarily close our doors and learn how to adjust to a sense of the “new normal”.
When we reopened last May, we had to find new ways of doing what we love – providing you the with best eye care possible!
Since we’re all in this together, we want to update you on how we’re helping to prevent the spread of Covid-19 while still meeting your eye care needs.
When you come in for your next eye exam, here’s what you can expect:
Wearing Masks
We’re wearing masks in our offices and kindly ask that you also wear yours.
We need you to help us adhere to CDC guidelines by wearing a mask throughout your visit with us. We understand that masks make picking out glasses a challenge too, so we have a solution for that which we’ll get to in a moment!
Checking In For Your Appointment
We’ve had to slow down a little bit and adjust our appointment times. This helps us keep our capacity lower, while still allowing you to join us inside!
In our Meadville office, we have our doors open – which means that once you’ve arrived, you’re welcome to head inside and check-in with the front desk for your appointment.
Since our Titusville and Oil City offices are a little bit smaller, we ask that once you arrive, you call us from your vehicle and we’ll let you know as soon as we have an exam room available for you to join us inside!
Sanitizing and Cleaning
We are making sure to disinfect and sanitize high traffic surfaces throughout our offices, taking special care in cleaning each exam room after every visit. We’re cleaning every part of the exam room that you come into contact with – no need to worry, we’ve got it covered!
Temperature Checks
We’re checking temperatures (and attitudes) at the door! We’ll quickly take your temperature as you check-in for your appointment and record it in your chart -simple as that!
Picking Out Your New Eyeglasses
When picking out your new glasses, we want you to try on as many frames as you’d like! But instead of putting them back on the displays after you’ve tried them on, we ask that you set them aside for our opticians to disinfect. Each of our offices uses special UV cleaners to disinfect our frames before anyone else tries them on. Your optician will help keep track of the frames you’ve tried on to ensure they are cleaned before being returned to the board.
We totally understand that wearing a mask can make it a pain to find glasses that you love.
To help with this, we’ve designated areas where you can try on frames and lower your mask – that way you know that your glasses are going to look awesome both with and without your mask!
Curbside Service
While we’re relieved to have our doors open again, all of our offices are also happy to offer curbside service. If you are picking up glasses, contact lenses, vitamins, or need your glasses adjusted—we’re happy to assist you while you wait in your car. Curbside service isn’t mandatory, but it’s convenient for you! Give us a call when you arrive and we’ll be right out to help you!
So there you have it, everything you need to know about your upcoming eye exam at Oil City Eye Associates during these crazy times. We want you to have peace of mind that we’re all in this and we’re all #bettertogether!
If you have any further questions, or to schedule an eye exam with us – click here!